MCQs on IP address

Multiple choice Questions 

(MCQs ) on IP address 

Questions :-

(Q1). Class_________Provides 65,534 host address.
  1. Class A
  2. Class B
  3. Class C
  4. Class D
(Q2). Class D addresses are reserved for _____________. 
  1. Loop back
  2. Private addressing
  3. Multicast
  4. Broadcast
(Q3). An IP address is a default address mask of class__________.
  1. Class B
  2. Class A
  3. Class C
  4. Class E
(Q4). IPv6 implements _____________ IP address whereas IPv4 implements 32-bit.
  1. 32-bit
  2. 64-bit
  3. 128-bit
  4. 256-bit
(Q5). ___________ addresses are used to automatically assign an IP address to device in an IP network when IP address configuration protocols are unavailable.
  1. Private
  2. Link-Local
  3. IPv6
  4. Loop-Back
(Q6). IP address contain two addresses embedded within one IP address; __________ and Host address.
  1. Network address
  2. Host address
  3. Subnet mask
  4. None of the above.
Answers :-
  1. Class B
  2. Multicast
  3. Class B
  4. 128-bit
  5. Link-local
  6. Network address
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Thanks for Reading!
Have a Good Day !


  1. You did great work by adding most important MCQs...

  2. These questions are very Important .. Two of them came in my exam ....


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