IP address - (4)

Internet Protocol Addressing
(IP Addressing) - 4 

Summary on What we have studied in last Tutorial ? :-

  • Class C will have 28 - 2 = 254 number of host IP addresses available to be assigned to the devices. Class C address class supports 2,097,152 network blocks. 
  • The first network block starts from to The last network block in Class C starts from to
  • Class D address class is designed for Multicasting.
  • Class E address is reserved for future and experimental use. 
  • Class A consists of eight 1s in the network address field and twenty-four 0s in remaining field,
  • Class B consists of sixteen 1s in network address field, and sixteen 0s in remaining field, and
  • Class C contains twenty-four 1s in network address field and remaining eight bits as 0s weeks.

(3) Identifying the class of IP address :-

      The IP address when specified in binary format and classified into various classes by identifying the starting bit of first byte of 32-bit IP address as shown in the table below :-      

Number of Host in Each Class A,B and C Network

      When the address is specified in dotted decimal to decimal value given my first byte decides the class of IP address. For example, 11000000.10101000.0000001.0000001 is a class C address as the starting bits are is a class B address as 172 lies in between 128 to 191. 

(4) Subnet Mask :- 

      A Subnet Mask specifies which part of IP address is reserved for the network, and which part is available for host use. For example, Subnet Mask of is having first Octet reserved for the network and last 3 updates are available most use. 

      A subnet mask when logically ANDed with IP address provides a 32-bit network address. The subnet mask is a binary pattern that is stored in server on router to find the network address.

(4.1) Default mask :-

      Class full address is consisting of three classes class A, class B, and Class C. Each class has a default Subnet Mask. 

      The default address Mask in Binary and dotted decimal-is shown in the table below :-

Default address mask in Binary and Dotted-Decimal

      The number of first must match of the number of network address bits and the number of 0s must match the number of host address bits.

(5) Assigning IP address :- 

      An IP address is assigned to a Host may either be permanent address or address that is assigned to a host on a time lease or temporary basis. Hence, the address granted to hosts is divided into two categories 

(a.) Static IP address and 
(b.) Dynamic IP addresses. 

(5.a) Static IP address :- 

      Static IP address on the network whose existence in the netwrok remains for a longer duration. These static IP address remain allocated to a specific device for a longer time, for example, Servers.

(5.b) Dynamic IP addresses :- 
      Dynamic IP address are assigned to the device that require temporary connectivity to the network or non permanent devices such as portable computers. The most common protocol used for assigning dynamic IP address in DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). The DHCP grants IP address to a Host on lease time basis.

(5.1) Guidelines for using an IP address :-

      Before using a network and host ID, in the network administrator must follow some guidelines related to IP address in which are given as follows :-

(a). All hosts located on a same physical network segment must have same network address.
(b). A unique host ID of the IP address must be alloted for each Host on the network segment.
(c). A network ID that start with its first byte indicating 127, should not be used as this value is reason for loopback functions.
(d). Network ID having all 1s in its host address field cannot be used as this represents a broadcast for a Local Network. 
(e). A network ID having all zeros in the network address field cannot be used for communication over Internet as this address represents the default network address.

Thanks for reading !
Have a Good Day !


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