IP address - (2)

Internet Protocol Address
(IP address) - 2

Summary on What we have studied in last Tutorial ? :-

  • An IP address is a Unique Address assigned to a device in a network.
  • An IP address is a 32 bit address which is divided into various Classes, Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class E.
  • To make the IP address easier to read and interpret, they are written in decimal format where a point is separated by a Byte.

(2.1) Class A IP Addressing :-

      Class A consists of 8-bit Network ID and 24-bit Host ID, as show in the figure below;
     So, each network in class A  will have 224 -2 = 16,777,214 number of host (IP) addresses available to assign to the devices except for two reserved host addresses in each network.
Class A can be divided into 128 network blocks ( number of Networks ) where the first network block address starts from to where 0 ( first byte ) is the Network Id. Similarly, Second Network address start from to where 1( first byte ) is the network ID for Second Network block.
       In Class A addressing, the first network block and the last network block are reserved for Special purpose. Class A provides 1 reserved network address Block for Private address.
       Hence, class A provides 125 Network blocks while each Block in Class A provides 16,777,216 host addresses that is why it is used to serve IP addresses for Big Organisation.
Considering the single Network Block, within Host addresses the first host address and the last host address is reserved for special use.

Class A IP address Structure

Note :- 

      Reserved host addresses are one for network address and another for broadcast address. First byte of Class A specifies Decimal Values from 0 to 127. 

(2.2) Class B IP addressing :-

      Class B addresses consists of 16-bit network ID and 16-bit host ID; as shown in Figure Below:-

Class B IP address Structure

      So, each network in Class B will have 216 - 2 = 65,534 number of host (IP) addresses available to assign to the devices. This address class consists of 16,384 network blocks. The first block starts from to128.0.255.255. In this address class the first two bytes represent network ID that is 128.0.x.x where ''x''  is any number between 0 and 255. The second network block starts from to

      The last network block of class B is to where, the network ID of block is 191.255.x.x. 

      Class B provides 16 reserved network address blocks for private addresses. Hence, the remaining 16,368 network address blocks are used for assigning address to various organisations. Each network address blocks in the class contains 65,536 host addresses. Within Host addresses in a network block, the first and the last host address is reserved for Special use. Class B is designed to serve IP addresses for mid level organisation.

Note :-
      First Byte of Class B specifies Decimal Values from 128 to 191.

Thanks for reading !
Have a Good Day !


  1. This was my 2nd tutorial on Internet Protocol Address. Do share this page link in your Friend circle.
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